Sunday 1 December 2019

This Past Year

It's been while since my last post. Creatively, it's been a year rich with experimentation, a lot of trial and error, and a ton of self-education. I've been hard on myself for not finishing a lot of stories and projects that I've started over the years, however, something in that flurry of uncertainty gave me the chance to figure out what works best for me, what stories I really want to tell, and how I want to tell them. Even down to the simple yet complex question that has been haunting me for a long time; do I want my comics in colour or black and white? (I've decided. Why not both?)

I had the opportunity to draw some comics for my friends' magazine, Bandwidth, which was such a fun experience (not to mention cool to see my work in print) and I also made the big decision to quit my full-time job this year and work on my comics; build my creative portfolio, upgrade to a website soon, and hopefully create a viable business for myself. I turned 40 this year, which also made me realize how fast time flies! I'm grateful to be here. 

Below is a small sampling of some of the stuff I've been working on. Playing around with colour as well. Some goals this year: get my stuff out there more and improve my lettering!

Thank you for reading!   -Vanessa

Comic sample in Holbein Acryla Gouache

Character Portrait in Holbein Acryla Gouache


Comic for Bandwidth Issue 003

Comic for Bandwidth Issue 002

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